Gun Safes – Tips On Buying New, Cheap Or Discounted Gun Safes

A gun safe is important if you own a rifle, shotgun, pistol or handgun because a steel safe not only provides security, but protection against fire.

Whether you need a gun safe to store 3, 10 or 16 guns or under the bed or in your car, you can find the best gun safes by speaking to American manufacturers such as Browning, Sentry, Stack-on, Elite, Amsec and Winchester.

Before you buy a cheap gun safe, a used one or a discounted one on sale, here are some tips to consider:

Gun safes should be made entirely of steel so that it is strong. Not just any steel, but steel of the highest quality. Also, make sure the thickness of the steel is no less than 10 gauge all over (ie, on the top, bottom, sides and door). You’ll find that the price of any safe is directly related to the thickness of the steel used.

Fireproof or fire resistant gun safes are important. Some gun safe makers design their safes to withstand extremely hot temperatures (1400°-1700°) for around 1 hour. This will provide protection from burning and charring of firearms and other valuable items. Always ask for the fire proof rating of any gun safe you intend buying. Browning gun safes are superior when it comes to fireproofing.

By far the best safe design is one which has no weld seams exposed – such a gun safe does not exist! A safe’s weak points are located where the metal has been welded in place. So buy a safe that has few exposed seams as possible for maximum protection. Also, make sure the door hinges are fixed on the inside of the safe, not outside.

Check the safe’s welds. Ask if they were done by a person or robot. Why is this important? Because robot driven welders tend to do a more consistent, uniform weld – so no weak spots.

A car gun safe is essential if you travel frequently with firearms, especially handguns. Make sure such a safe can be mounted virtually anywhere in the car. Also, it should be around 16 gauge steel with a padded interior to protect your pistol against damage while the car is moving. A fingerprint entry door is excellent for fast opening with such a gun safe.

Another security issue to consider on any gun safe is the locking mechanism located on the door. Ask if the locking mechanism is protected with angled thick metal plates or ball bearings, regardless if it is opened with a key, fingerprint or number combination. This will help stop a drill bit from drilling any further.

Make sure your gun safe can be bolted to the floor or wall so it cannot be easily moved.

Gun safes are not only essential for security and organized storage of your firearms (rifle, shotgun, handgun), they also provide fireproofing and protection from the elements.

Remember, not all gun safes are created equal, so do your research before buying any new, cheap or discounted safe. You’ll find a varierty of safes to suit your needs offered by American makers such as Browning, Sentry, Stack-on, Elite, Amsec and Winchester.