Food Plots For Deer – 3 Tips

Food plots play an integral role in luring deer of all sizes to your hunting area.

Here are 3 important tips before planting a food plot for deer in your hunting area, land, etc.

Size Of Food Plot for Deer

Before considering a food plot you need to decide just how big that food plot should be.

Is a 1 acre parcel of land too big? Unless you have the time to maintain such a big plot, then yes, its far too big.

A 1/4 to 1/2 acre plot is usually big enough, easier to maintain and requires less seed. A gallon jug of perennial seed blend is adequate for 1/4 acre plot.

Make sure the site you choose for your plot receives a minimum 3 hours of sunlight every day.

Large plots of 1 acre in size or larger are not necessary unless there is a higher than normal deer population. Its amazing how much food 1/4 acre can produce! You need to be aware that larger plots cost more money, require more maintenance.

Get Your Plot Soil Tested

Soil quality is a critical factor in any food plot.

If the soil is nutrient deficient or the pH balance is not normal then producing highly nutritious forage for your deer is going to be a difficult task.

Knowing the proper ratio of lime and fertilizer to spread around your plot is only possible if your food plot’s soil is tested.

Maintain your Deer Food Plot Frequently

Choosing a site for your food plot and getting it to produce forage for deer is only half the work – the rest of your time is about maintaining your plot.

How to maintain? You’ll need to mow it regularly because this keeps protein levels in the forage high and can help curb weed growth. Keep it at around 8 inches and try to cut around June to August.