Deer Hunting Guides, Outfitters: 3 Tips On Choosing Best One – Part 3

In part 2, we asked your potential deer hunting outfitter or guide 3 very important questions – How many hunters are in camp each week, What about previous hunter references and what is the weather like. Here are 3 more tips on how to decide which hunting outfitter or guide is best.

Calling the State Wildlife Department

Its a good idea to call the state wildlife department who issues outfitter licenses in the state you wish to hunt. They can inform you right away whether any particular outfitter has a good or bad track record, if their license has been revoked, etc. A few phone calls can save you lots of time while researching your outfitter.

Use a hunting booking agency

Hunting booking agencies are another option. They actually hunt with the outfitter and then rate them before recommending to their clients. This screening process is more time saved researching an outfitter that you don’t have to do.

Booking agencies do cost a little more. However, if your spending thousands of dollars for that once in a lifetime hunt then consider that extra expense reassurance that you’re going to experience a great hunt, accommodation, food, etc.

Plan an outfitted hunt at least a year in advance

Research, research and more research. Spend lots of time researching as many outfitters as possible and at least 12 months in advance. Never book a hunt with an outfitter at a show unless you have done your research first. Grab information about that outfitter and then find out as much as you can about them.